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We are on summer vacation

Mentorix is closed for the summer holidays in weeks 29 and 30 (from July 15 to July 28) – and wishes everyone a great summer!

In case of emergency call +45 72 44 12 34
Questions about our products, exams or similar will be answered within 3 working days.

Remember – we receive and send all letters from the job center via e-boks.

You can still sign up

Our website will be open for registration throughout the summer.

May you all have a great summer and we look forward to returning with renewed energy after the holidays.

Contact us

Please contact us with any questions about our products and services. We are happy to provide non-binding advice on which courses or services you should choose.


Århusgade 118. 1 Floor 2150 Nordhavn

Call us

+45 72 44 12 34

Phone hours:

Weekdays 09:00 - 16:00

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If you are going to study, you can use this link as a shortcut to the platform.

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visma logbuy samarbejdspartner

Velkommen til Mentorix

“Velkommen til vores hjemmeside!

Vi er glade for at have Logbuy med os som en samarbejdspartner. Vi sidder altid klar på +45 72 44 12 34 eller info@mentorix.dk, hvis der skulle være nogle spørgsmål. 

Brug rabatkoden: “Mentorix23” for at få 10% rabat på dit køb.

Tak for at vælge Mentorix!”