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A Guide to the Scrum Body of Knowledge (SBOK® GUIDE)

af Scrumstudy™

Format: Bog, indbundet
Udgivelsesdato: 2022
Sprog: Engelsk
Sidetal: 393

800,00 kr.

ex. vat

A Guide to the Scrum Body of Knowledge (SBOK® Guide) provides guidelines for the successful implementation of Scrum-the most popular Agile product development and project delivery approach.

Scrum, as defined in the SBOK Guide, is a framework which is applicable to portfolios, programs, or projects of any size or complexity; and may be applied effectively in any industry to create a product, service, or any other result.

The SBOK® Guide is intended for use as a reference and knowledge guide by both experienced Scrum and other product or service development practitioners, as well as by persons with no prior experience or knowledge of Scrum or any other project delivery method. This new edition of the SBOK® Guide provides additional insight into Scrum best practices, particularly in the areas of scaling Scrum. As the popularity and application of the Scrum framework grows and evolves globally, our goal is to share the lessons learned and best practices as part of the SBOK® Guide.

The SBOK® Guide draws from the combined knowledge and insight gained from thousands of projects across a share the c eedba ariet variety of organizations and industries. This Fourth Edition adds to the collective contributions of experts in Scrum and project delivery. In particular, feedback from the global Scrum community played a large role in identifying improvements and additions to the SBOK® Guide. Its development has truly been a collaborative effort from a large number of experts and practitioners in a variety of disciplines. Wide adoption of the SBOK® Guide framework standardizes how Scrum is applied to projects across organizations globally, as well as significantly helps to improve their Return on Investment. Additionally, it promotes greater thought and deliberation regarding the application of Scrum to many types of projects, which will in tum contribute towards expanding and enriching the body of knowledge and consequently future updates chema to this guide.

Although the SBOK® Guide is a comprehensive guide and framework for delivering projects using Scrum, its contents are organized for easy reference, regardless of the reader’s prior knowledge on the subject. I hope each reader will learn from and enjoy it as much as the many authors and reviewers learned from and enjoyed the process of collating the collective knowledge and wisdom contained within it.

Tridibesh Satpathy,
Lead Author, SBOK® Guide

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