Project Management with PRINCE2® & Scrum Master

PRINCE2® Foundation , PRINCE2® Practitioner, and Scrum Master Certified

By combining PRINCE2® and Scrum master you learn to combine 2 of the most used project models in a project.

Learn to manage a project using the PRINCE2 methodology. With PRINCE2 you learn to work professionally with project management with a special focus on time, economy and quality.

The chosen courses in project management will help you increase your job prospects with more internationally recognised certifications on your CV.

The course provides you with professional skills in project management and agile management

The PRINCE2® theory is based on experience from thousands of projects and contributions from countless project managers, project sponsors, trainers and project management consultants. Organisations using the method ensure that all project participants speak the same prog, understand each other’s roles and responsibilities and use the same model to implement the project. This will increase the success rate of the project as well as improve the final project outcome. The certification is an internationally recognised credential that you can use worldwide to prove your project management skills. Read more about what PRINCE2 is here.

Why not combine the most popular project management method PRINCE2 with the most used agile method Scrum. You will gain valuable knowledge on how to make the 2 project frameworks work together.

Who is the course for?

You may be completely new to PRINCE2® or have several years of experience in project management. It is relevant for anyone working with projects. The Practitioner course is for you who are a Project Manager or if you have an important support role for the project such as Project Support, Quality Assurance or as a Team Leader in a project.

Scrum Master Certified is for those who want to know more about agile working methods. Techniques you can use in many contexts, both professionally and privately.

Why does this package make sense?

Most certifications in project management have a Foundation (basic) and a Practitioner (extended and/or proven practice) version. Following the standard PRINCE2®, there is a need to see PRINCE2® used together with Scrum. Many find it difficult to see how the 2 course products can work together. Our instructors have several years of practical experience in using Scrum with standard project management.

We want to share that knowledge through this course.

You will learn…

  • The principles and processes of effective project management.
  • Themes that permeate/infiltrate the entire life of the project.
  • Your role as a project manager and how to manage a project using the PRINCE2® methodology.
  • The rationale behind PRINCE2® processes, themes and techniques.
  • How PRINCE2® is adapted to different project environments.
  • Useful Knowledge about the Agile Mindset
  • Knowledge of how to organize yourself in a Scrum project
  • You get to grips with the basic principles of Scrum
  • With the 5 phases and 19 processes, as a Scrum Master you get the knowledge you need to manage a project delivery in an agile context.

Hvor er kurset godkendt ?

  • Hovedstaden, eller Sjælland nummer (8 + 21)
  • Fyn
  • Sydjylland
  • Østjylland
  • Nordjylland
  • Hvis du bor i Vestjylland eller på Bornholm, kan kurset også godkendes via de regionale lister, da kurset er godkendt i de tilstødende regioner.

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Can Scrum be combined with other project models?

Jesper Rytter Hansen – Accredited Scrum® Trainer

Job opportunities

Your job centre can offer you a course or training from the regional positive list as part of your job plan.
The aim of the course/training is to improve your skills, and thus your chances of getting a job that matches the needs of the labour market.

It is usually between 800 and 1200 jobs where a project management certification such as PRINCE2 is relevant.

Jobnet logo

Course content



PRINCE2® with Project Management

PRINCE2® Principles

Adaptation and implementation of PRINCE2

PRINCE2® Themes

PRINCE2® Processer

Organisational implementation considerations


Scrum Master Certified :

Introduction to Scrum

Scrum Overview

Scrum Principles

Scrum Aspects

Scrum Processes

Scaling Scrum

Test yourself

Case study

Course plan

The course is divided into two parts. The first three to four weeks are spent working with PRINCE2® Foundation. The period concludes with a Foundation certification held online at the end of the fourth week.

The second part of the course is about Scrum Master, where also this part ends with a certification at the end of the sixth week of the course.

The PRINCE2® Foundation course is delivered as e-learning with instructor support.

The material used throughout the course is the PRINCE2® and Scrum manuals, PRINCE2® and Scrum Master e-learning .

A Guide to the Scrum Body of Knowledge online manuals will be available upon approved registration.

PRINCE2® “Project Management with sussess , and A Guide to the Scrum Body of Knowledge physical books will also be sent to you upon registration.

Upon passing the exam, you obtain the official PRINCE2® foundation certification and Scrum Master certification.

In cooperation with Mentorix offers PRINCE2® and Scrum courses including full accredited exams.

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Hvis du har gennemgået hele kurset og anvendt alt det tilhørende materiale, så er du godt velforberedt og har en indgående forståelse af indholdet, så du kan bestå eksamen. 

Som en ekstra sikkerhed har du altid en re-take eksamen med i dit køb.

Scrum Master Certificering - til AGILE projektledere | e-læring | dansk | akkrediteret af Scrum Study | PRISGARANTI | vi hjælper dig igennem | SMC™
PRINCE2 logo

Mentorix ApS is an Accredited Training Organizations (ATO) by PeopleCert and Scrum Study. The Swirl logo™ PRINCE2® is a trade mark of AXELOS Limited, used under permission of AXELOS Limited. All rights reserved.

About e-learning

On our e-learning you always have the possibility to write directly via the platform to the trainer.

Easily see how far you’ve come and keep track of your stats.

Possibility to download and print materials, process model and official sample test.

Easily see how far you’ve come in e-learning.

Test your knowledge on the platform.

4 test modules.

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