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Thomas Pulawski PRINCE2 Agile® Foundation træner

Our solutions

Scrum Master Certificering - til AGILE projektledere | e-læring | dansk | akkrediteret af Scrum Study | PRISGARANTI | vi hjælper dig igennem | SMC™
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Our online tutors score an average of 4.7 out of 5 points in the student evaluations. The combination of practical experience with project management and digital learning enables us to deliver the country's best digital course products within project management.


We have a proven higher pass rate on online courses compared to traditional classroom courses. So it doesn't matter that we can offer cheaper products than our competitors at the same time, and give the course participants the flexibility that a busy everyday life requires.


Our courses are presented on the state-of-the-art and award-winning platform Eurekos. Eurekos provides a modern design where navigation is easy and intuitive. The many integrations of modern tools mean that Mentorix can offer exciting interactive learning.

The benefit of e-learning with Mentorix?

What our students say?

We at UCL have a "must have" on behalf of our customers and students; we WANT to deliver a quality that is in line with the needs and wishes of our students and customers. Mentorix always delivers here. They do everything to live up to UCL's demands on them! That is why we are very happy to cooperate with them

Kuno Johansen og Carsten B. Lange Lykke
Chef og Underviser

The course felt personal due to the construction of the video material; the website is intuitive and with a fast response time; the teacher responds to questions, and is clearly a person who has solid practical experience with the use of Scrum.

René Reiner Svendsen

Kenny Munck seems very professional. Calm voice and illustrates his lessons with good examples from real life.

Jamal E. Bensaoula
IT business project manager, Banedanmark

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Tak for at vælge Mentorix!”